
Wake LO to BF Before Going to Work?

I'm returning to work soon and am trying to determine what my/our mornings are going to look like.

DD is just about 3.5 months.  DH will be home with her for 8 weeks and then she'll start daycare in mid January.  So whatever arrangement we work out now might need to be adjusted come Jan.

Anyway, I know most people will nurse their LOs before they leave for work.  However, depending on when I leave in the AM, she may or may not be awake.  My work has flex-time, which basically means that I can get to work anytime between 6:00-9:30 and then work a 8.5 hour day.  So the earlier I get in the earlier I can leave.  My commute is also an hour.

Recently she's been waking up between 6-7 am.  Sometimes I'm able to "shhhh" her back to sleep until 7.  But her first "daylight" feeding has been around 7.  At least this week - sometimes it varries between 5-7, and also depends on how many times she wakes at night.  Recenty she's been waking up betwwen 2-3 am.  She goes about 3 hrs between feedings during the day.  We're not really on a schedule, its just based on when her first feeding is.

Also if she only takes one side in the morning, I'll have to pump the other.

What do your mornings look like before work?  To wake LO or not? 

I've been playing with a bunch of scenerios:

1.  Don't BF in am.  Pump.  Leave House at 5:00.  Work 6-2:30.  Get home around 3:30.  DH gives 3 bottles at about 7, 10, 1.  I BF when I get home.

2.  Get completly ready.  Wake LO at 6 to BF.  Pump other side.  Leave house by 7 (hopefully).  Work 8-4:30.  Get home around 5:30.  DH gives 3 bottles at about 9,12,3.  I BF when I get home.

Or any variety of the above scenerios.

Just thinking about it makes me tired!  Seems like there is so much I'll have to do in the mornings BEFORE I even get to work! 

I'd love to hear what works for you!



Me 32. DH 38.
TTC # 1 Since January 2009
Reproductive Endocrinologist diagnosed us "Unexplained Infertility".

After 3 years . . . 3 IUIs . . . and 3 IVFs . . . our miracle arrived on August 6, 2012.

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