1st Trimester

Observation from an old mom to the new moms

I love reading the boards.  So interesting.  It is pretty easy to tell who has a serious question and who posts to get some feedback, experiences, a laugh, whatever.

That being said... Some of you ladies are just flat out snarky and it's uncalled for.  Does it make you feel better to dampen the spirits of someone else?  I'm just wondering. 

When I had my daughter 12 years ago, there really weren't any boards and I wish there had been, because I had all the questions that a 28 year pregnant woman experiencing this for the first time had.  All of your insights are amazing.  Now, I'm 41, older, wiser and more experienced than a great portion of you. 

These boards should be to encourage each other.  Not to belittle one another to make yourself feel superior.  Lighten up, Ladies!  This is a great time.  Go be grumps somewhere else.


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