
How to get LO to give up his last nighttime feeding

First off, we still exclusively BF. Our LO is almost 5 months old. He has definitely begun teething and every few nights wakes up at random times because of the pain. He usually is able to get rocked, rubbed, or shhhed back to sleep with no problem. He typically goes down for the night around 8:45p or 9p. I pump for extra supply around 11p. For at least the last month or so, he has routinely waken up at 4:30a, and is inconsolable if he doesn't eat. After a night or two, we caved and have been feeding him at this time ever since. This probably isn't the worst thing for a BF baby. The problem is, I started going back to work full-time last week. Between the 11p pumping session, and the 4:30a wake-up, I have regressed into total zombie mode. Obviously not a good idea, but I notice myself wanting to doze off during my commute. This problem needs to be resolved. Do you guys have any ideas that will help me or my LO out? Any help is TOTALLY appreciated, so thank you in advance!
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