
my experience with so called nipple confusion

My son is now 8 days old and currently a breast feeding champ feeding every 3 hours the only hitch is he needs a nipple shield for the left breast which i'm sure we'll work through shortly. The point is that were successful despite some trying times at the hospital day three.

On night two baby began fussing at the breast and sucking his soother agressively (major thumb sucker with out it) He would latch on for a few seconds then scream in frustration. we discovered he was hungry losings too much weight and needed formula to top him off. It broke my heart to know I wasn't able to supply what he needed. 

The first nurse used a cup to give him a small amount of formula. At his next feeding a new nurse came along said she did not like the cup and used a syringe.  At the next feeding they decided to prime my nipple with formula and quickly use syringe to put some in his mouth. in the morning yet another nurse gives us a bottle so I decide we'll use the bottle as baby was still latching despite all the craziness. Then we are visited by a lactation specialist who is upset to see the formula and says if we must use it it should be from a tube running along the nipple. I'd had enough no one asked my permission to do any of this and I had just had a c-section. i said were using the bottle until its no longer necessary at this point my milk had began to come in. Then after a hour long conference they agreed to let us go home as long as we returned the following day for a weigh in. 

Well with in 12 hours baby was refusing formula top ups and taking to the breast. When we returned to the hospital the next day baby boy had gained 100grams I was so happy. Just wanted to share my experience as I know many Moms are scared of nipple confusion and hospital staff will just push their favorite method whether its right for you and baby 


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