July 2012 Moms

Healthcare Politics anyone?

There's a family friend that I am FB friends with. He's a super duper right winged, tea party, AntiObama, birther theory nutter on FB.

He's been putting anti Obamacare crap all over FB today. The irony is that he's a Medicare patient who is a person w heart failure, insulin dependent, hypertensive, morbidly obese, stroke, etc; all the products of metabolic syndrome. He is the most non compliant person I know. Seriously when he visits and we go out to eat a "light lunch", he gets a bowl of French onion soup and monte cristo. SMH. Carbs, Fat and Sodium galore.

Anyway, so I'm sure all of his meds and recurrent hospitalizations add up to a pretty penny. He's dependent on "the system" and biiitches about spending money on Obamacare.

Also, statistically the average baby boomer will receive 200k more in benefits than they paid into the program.

Why is it fair people have to wait until 65yo to get adequate healthcare?

I so want to bring up these facts and viewpoints on FB, but I'm afraid it could somehow come back to me at work. So y'all get to hear me biiitch lol
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