July 2012 Moms


I have ideas for the upcoming WOW threads.... I know we've done quite a few already, but I'm sure you've kept a spreadsheet of those we've done/not done! Smile
(I wish i would have thought to do that back in the day.... *sigh*)

Anyway here are some of my ideas:

  • Awesome Hair-do's'/Hats/Bows (I know some of our bebe's don't have hair, hence the hats/bows!)
  • Favorite Family photo - pretty sure we did this already, but with the holidays, we could "update"
  • embarrassing pics to show LO's future SO/use against them when their bigger!
  • Sleeping babies
  • mommy with baby
  • "Santa baby" with santa, dressed as santa, etc. - this could also be Dec. Siggy challenge? 
  • party animal baby (new years?)
  • Food babies/Messy eaters... maybe in a month or two once more babies are eating "solids".  It could be put in a list for the future.

Anyone else have any ideas to add to a list to help chipmunk out with the WOW of the Week?

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