1st Trimester

I'm being irrational, but am I the only one?

Nerves etc are driving me insane...I know I need to calm the eff down, but this is all so new and scary.

I'm afraid to go to the bathroom...because I don't want to randomly start bleeding.

I'm afraid to have sex with H anytime soon since I don't want to stir things up.

I'm afraid to wear jeans that are too tight around my mid-section (most are tight right now, bloating big time)

Ugh, this all sounds so silly now that I've typed it all out...anyone else having any irrational fears?

Missing Our July Sparkler
BFP-11/12/12, MMC 1/16/13-baby stopped growing @ 9wks, found out at 13wks, D&E 1/25/13 Anniversary]
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