1st Trimester


I've been chatting about TTC with a friend, who also happens to be H's cousin. She and her H have also been TTC for about 4 months now, with no luck so far. We chat probably twice a week or so about TTC, temping, testing etc. and she JUST sent me an text asking if I have any results yet since she knew I was getting ready to test any day now....well I kinda sorta lied to her and said "nothing yet" because I'm really not wanting to tell people yet, but on the other hand I feel badly for lying to her since we've been talking about all of this stuff for a while now.

What would you do? Tell her? Tell her in a month or so, earlier than we'd tell everyone else but not right now?

Missing Our July Sparkler
BFP-11/12/12, MMC 1/16/13-baby stopped growing @ 9wks, found out at 13wks, D&E 1/25/13 Anniversary]
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