1st Trimester

Intro ... I think

Wow so I just took a pregnancy test this morning and it says I am pregnant.  Surprise

 I have incredibly long cycles so the first day of my last period was 10/1 and that puts the due date at 7/8/13. I tested last Tuesday which would have been the day after when I was due to get my period and I got a negative.  Still no AF so I tested this morning and got a positive.  We weren't trying but we had a breakage around the middle of October and we thought there was a slight possibility which is why we tested.

 My husband is sort of in disbelief because we got the negative and we just assumed it was accurate.  I called the dr and they were all excited and said it is a go but I am still in shock.  My husband wants me to get more tests to be sure. 


Still not sure if I believe it or not.  Sorry for the rambly post.  




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