
Pumping output down

I know they say pumping output doesn't reflect supply because baby is more efficient but I'm still stressing. I posted below how DS is fussier when nursing and it's taking feeding him on both sides now to be satisfied.
Now at work I've pumped twice and have only gotten 5 1/2 total. I need 16 oz for DS tomorrow so I'm short. I still have 2 more pumping sessions but I'm thinking I'll still come up short.
Just venting. Any words of encouragement would be appreciated.

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
BFP #1 12.5.07 DD born 8.6.08
BFP #2 6.18.11 M/C 6.26.11 @ 4w 5d
BFP #3 9.15.11 DS born 5.21.12
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