July 2012 Moms

Coming Out of Hiding/New - Please Post Here!

Hello to all of our new July bumpies, we welcome you with open arms but all of these coming out threads are getting to be a lot, so how about this.  Post here if you have joined in the past few weeks and if you dont mind answering this little survey it would be great to GTKY (get to know you) ladies!

1. What brought you here? Long time lurker or new to the bump?

2. What state do you live in? or country for that matter if you are outside the US

3. Boy or Girl? Name?

4. Babies Birthday!

5. Do you have any other children or are you a FTM?

6. Name one interesting fact about yourself!

aannnddd go!


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Dating: 7.1.2008 Engaged: 11.25.11 Austin: 07.21.12 Wedding: 5.4.2013
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