
Research overload?? Shouldn't he be nursing more?

Everything I've read indicates my LO should still be eating every 3-4 hours. However, he has been eating every 4-5 hours for a while now. Sometimes he'll go as long as 6 hours! The longer stretches seem to happen when he's distracted when we're out or there are people around or something. I try to offer my breast when I think geez its been a while since he ate last...he should be hungry! If he isn't ready to eat then most of the time he wont take it. 

After he had his six month shots, he started waking in the middle of the night after sleeping thru the night since 6 weeks. Some nights he ate like he was starving and other nights he would comfort suck for a few minutes and went right back to sleep. The past few nights he's been sleeping through the night again and even slept til 9 am yesterday! He typically wakes around 7 to nurse.

He weighed 17lbs 1 oz at his 6 month check up and at his 4 month weighed 15 lbs 15 oz. So not much weight gain in the two months. My pedi said weight gain starts leveling off, but he didn't tell me percentiles this time. He's still thick and has chunky cheeks, but I just worry. Thats all I do these days! 

I read everyone else's posts about nursing every 2.5-3 hours and their schedules. We don't have much of a schedule. I just follow his cues, but I feel like at the age of 6.5 months I'm alone with this and he should be nursing more frequently! We JUST started solids and he only eats about an ounce in the evening. So the lack of nursing cannot be blamed on too much solids.  

Anyone advice? Theres not really much I can do, right? Just keep following his cues? 

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