
Need advice

I EP and DS was downing 9-11 oz each feeding. Afterwards he would spit a ton back up every single time. An LC told me breastfed babies normally don't take in more than 6 oz of breastmilk at a time, so we've recently started stopping him after 7 oz. This has resulted in no spitting up after feedings (maybe once a day if even). However, for about 15-30 seconds after the bottle is gone he cries. Once I sit him up and take his bib off though, he's fine and babbling and smiling. I don't want to starve my baby but I also don't want to have him spitting everything up after ever feeding. Would you keep doing it the way we are or let him eat until he pushes the bottle away? With the way we're doing it he is getting 5-6 bottles (35-42 oz) of milk a day, plus 2 T of cereal mixed with an oz of breastmilk twice a day.

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