July 2012 Moms

am I the only one?...Xmas gift exchange related

...that thinks its lame to buy something off someone's "Wish List"? I like the idea of the questions so that someone can get to know your likes/dislikes but to shop right off someone's list is lame for this kind of exchange! I thought it would be so much more fun if we were sending thoughtful gifts like something from our particular state/region/country, or a product that we personally love that we think our recipient would like too. I could see telling a family member what to buy me in a gift exchange situation, but I personally won't be doing a wishlist. I will be happy to get whatever my gift-giver sends, the more personal/creative the better! I think it would be awesome to get something for LO that the gift giver maybe has found that their own LO likes, and thinks mine would too. 

Anyone else feeling this way?  

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