Pregnant after IF

I think Estrogen is making me fat and I'm all bummed out!

I'm not crazy--I know along with pregnancy comes weight gain, and I am fine with that.  What I am not fine with is being 5 and half weeks along, weighing the same as I always did and having a lot more fat around my waist.  Seriously, half my clothes don't fit right now.  I expected that at 12 weeks.  Not at 5.  I can't figure this out!  I'm eating the same, working out the same....everything is the same.  So for right now I am blaming the estrogen patch.  I can't wait to be done with these!  I'm supposed to feel happy but right now I am just disgusted with myself and feel like I look ugly all the time.  Ugh!  I keep telling myself it's just a phase and it's out of my control, but today that isn't helping.  Anyway, sorry for the vent.  We're leaving for the Bahamas next week and the thought of squeezing all this belly fat into a bikini is kind of taking the fun out of it!
TTC #1 since 2/2011. Me: Age 36. Stage III Endo and Hashimoto's Thyroiditis.
IUI #1 March: BFN, IUI #2 April: BFN.
IVF #1: Started stims 7/30--CANCELLED.
IVF #1.2: Stims start 10/8/12, ER: 10/20/12; 11R/8M/4F, 5DT: 10/25/12, transfer of a 4AA and 3AB Blast. BFP on HPT 10/31/12; Beta #1: (16 DPO) 954! Beta #2: (18 DPO) 1968! First U/S: TWINS!! A/S: TWO BOYS! EDD: 7/13/13
PAIF/SAIF Always Welcome.
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