July 2012 Moms

Feeling Nostalgic (re: BFP)

(This is sort of a "dear diary" post so feel free to stop now).

When I first saw the 2 pink lines on a HPT, I was thrilled.  It had been a long road and I really didn't think I had gotten PG that cycle, but being nosey and impatient I decided to test.  Positive.

I called my RE and squeed to the nurse on the phone.  The RE called me back and said it was a false positive, that the trigger shot was showing up on the test and not an actual pregnancy.

I can't tell you how crushed I was.  Devastated.

Then the RE told me to test again a few days later. I ran out and bought digital tests, and took them on Sat 11/12, Sun, and Mon.  I called the RE on Saturday but he was still skeptical.  One year ago today, 11/13, I was convinced by the digital.  I had done the math and there was no way a trigger could be present by that date.  I called again on Monday 11/15 to confirm.

Monday's test was unmistakable.  Then my betas were through the roof.  10 weeks later I was finally released from the RE to a regular OB.  My life was, and still is, wonderful.


 ^ that was the beginning of Lillian.  Amazing.

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