Pregnant after IF

Visceral vein from hell *TMI*

Alright...this is more of a rant than anything. I've never in my life had a visceral vein...and I had no idea how painful they could be! A few days ago I developed a goddam visceral vein from my labia! Like seriously, wth!!! I could deal with one in my leg, but my lady parts are suffering right now. I can't get comfortable sleeping, sitting, bottom line is it just plain sucks. Sex is out of the question for now, and I'm waddling around like a duck. My Doctor said it's a first trimester thing and there is nothing he can do about it. He looked at me like 'oh please, it doesn't hurt that bad'. I wanted to slap that condescending look off his face, I have to admit. If he gets a gigantic pulsating vein in his wang that just won't go away, than he can look at me like that I'm a crazy pregnant lady. I am feeling like a bit of a complainy pants this morning lol, but I do feel better getting that off my chest. Woke up at 4am and there was no chance of going back to sleep. Anyone else have a similar pregnancy experience with these little horrors?
TTC since 2004 Ectopic 2005, lost right tube. Multiple miscarriages. BabyFetus Ticker
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