
Starting to stress!

Hi ladies,

I posted yesterday about being short a few ounces after pumping at work for DD's next day bottles and many recommended to add another pumping session so I didn't have to dip into my freezer stash.

I added a pumping session this morning at 5:15 and got 3 oz in 10 minutes which is what I needed for DD's bottle for today to make up for the shortage from yesterday.  I fed her at 6:45 and then came to work and pumped at 8:30...and I only got ONE ounce.  I usually get 4 or 4.5 at 8:30.  Is this because I pumped at 5:15 this morning?  This is really starting to stress me out.

And it seems that after 10 minutes my pump starts to lose suction which it has never done before.  

Isla 2 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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