
Nursing on one side vs. both sides per feeding?

When LO was born, I was told that it was best to nurse on one side per feeding, and let him go as long as he wanted, usually with a max time of 45 minutes. I did this for about 3 weeks, and then due to developing mastitis, cracked/bleeding nipples, and having a lot of pain, our pedi told me that it would be better for me to nurse him on both sides for 10-15 minutes per feeding, as anything longer than that was really just comfort sucking.Doing it this way definitely helped my nipples heal.

Now, however, I'm feeling like when I try to do both sides, he's not really fully emptying either breast. It's also sometimes hard to get him to latch onto the 2nd side, especially at night. 

So what do you do--nurse both sides or one side? What are the pros/cons of each? I will add that with both methods, LO has had plenty of wet/dirty diapers and has been gaining weight, so he's obviously getting enough to eat. I also don't have a problem with low supply at all, and don't think I have an oversupply....

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