Pregnant after IF

When did you start feeling baby move?

I'm just over 14 weeks. I've felt a few nudges from baby but nothing consistent at all. It freaks me out. I felt DS so early. By 13 weeks I was feeling him (I should have taken this as a warning since he is crazy). My OB assured me this is not the norm and I cannot expect to feel this baby as early, but it worries me. I can't wait to get to the stage where I feel baby every day. When did you start feeling your baby move and when did it become consistent?
dx homozygous for 3 thrombophilias, poor egg quality, and most likely autoimmune problem. Anything I'm missing?
5 miscarriages, 1 exception DS born 4/10
TTC another miracle
3 failed cycles of clomid, 2 failed cycles of injectables, moving on to IVF 8/12
ER 8/20 22 eggs retrieved, 19 fertilized, 2 transferred, 9 frozen
Beta #1=302 Beta #2=700 Please be a sticky baby!
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