July 2012 Moms

Right direction

The last few times I have posted have pretty much been downers about low milk supply and extremely irritable baby so I wanted to check in a give a positive update.

On Friday the doctor recommended I go on a dairy and soy free diet to see if that help with the behavior and lack of sleep Liam has been exhibiting. Tonight marks three days of going on the MSPI diet and I am already beginning to see subtle changes in Liam. He was able to sleep for a 4 hour stretch last night when we were lucky enough to get him asleep for an hour in the previous months. On top of that he took three naps! Three naps is huge for us because he was taking either none or 1 a day and only for about 20 minutes. His naps today lasted about an hour each.I am so proud of my boy and feel so empowered as his mama for taking the steps to change my diet. The doctor said it may take up to two weeks for the dairy and soy products to completely leave both of our systems but I truly feel we are headed in the right direction. FX this keeps heading that way!

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