Pregnant after IF

PCOS and Pregnancy

I've been recently diagnosed with PCOS and was curious what other ladies experience TTC with PCOS.  I've been on the TTTC board and it's kind of depressing because those ladies have been TTC for years with out luck.  Was hoping this bored would give me some hope :)

 Just wanted to know who was diagnosed with PCOS and what did you do as a treatment to TTC? How long after treatments did it take to become pregnant??

Thanks in advance :) 

Me:25 dx: Graves Disease. RAI treatment done feb 2013. TTC on hold until Feb 2014 :( DH: 27 dx: bilateral varocelle and virtual azoospermia. Off BCP April 2011 TTC October 2011 Infertility consult with OB October 2012 HSG: clear Pelvic US: Ovarian Cysts TSH: 0.006 Dx: Grave disease diagnosed January 2013 DH SA: Low count and motility; repeat SA Jan 2013 low count. Male Urologist specializing in male infertility Feb 2013 dx: bilateral varocelle & virtual azoospermia. Genetic testing done on DH due to extreme low SA. F/U appt in April 2013 to go over genetic test result and make a plan. RE consult January 2013. No plan made at this time. Wants my thyroid under control and DH to see urologist before plan made, more then likely IVF.
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