Pregnant after IF

Update to "Fell down..."

Went to the OB this afternoon. She was running behind, and the 40 min. wait was torture, as I was dying to know if LO was okay!

When we finally got a look at baby on screen, he/she was probably asleep (with one fist propped against their cheek -- so cute!), so there wasn't much movement.  I guess the Dr. could tell that that worried me, so she poked a bit to see if we could get LO to react.  The response was only a tiny bit of stretching/stirring -- but the hb was a solid 160 bpm, and the placenta was intact, with no signs of trauma. 

This + the fact that baby seemed so calm and content, was good enough for me.  Thanks for all your encouragement and good wishes! They definitely helped!



Married June 2007, TTC since May 2010. Me=40, age-related infertility, DOR, low prog, low AMH. DH=37,low morph.
IUI#1 (Dec. 2011)=BFN, IUI#2=unexpected early O=TI=BFN. Official IUI#2=BFN.
Stims for IVF#1 started 7/6/12. ER done 7/15/12. ICSI and AH. Transferred 2 embies 7/17/12. Stick little ones, stick! Beta 7/30/12=BFN HcG less than 2.
Surprise BFP while deciding next steps! EDD: 5/10/13
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