Pregnant after IF

Birth Story (Preeclampsia)

I was diagnosed with preeclampsia on Thursday, 11/01.  My doctor?s exact words were:  ?The baby looks great.  You, however, look terrible.?  My blood pressure was up to 165/115 and there was a lot of protein in my urine.  I was admitted to L&D and my induction started immediately with Cervidil (sp?) and Pitocin.  It didn?t work.  On 11/02, I was given 2 doses of Cytotech (Also didn?t work).  By 11/03, we tried Pitocin again and I still didn?t go into labor.  At this point, I was mentally and emotionally exhausted.  Finally, after weighing our options, we decided to move forward with a c-section.

Our daughter, Kate, was born on 11/04 via c-section.  She weighed 8 lbs, 6 oz and was 20.75 inches long.  Since I had preeclampsia, the doctor gave me Magnesium Sulfate (to keep me from having a stroke) via IV for 24 hours.  I was on bedrest that entire time and did end up getting a little sick.  It was all worth in the end. 

My daughter is drop dead gorgeous and we?re so in love with her.  My days are spent learning how to be a mom and taking care of her.  Some days are harder than others, but overall this has been such an incredible journey and I'm so happy to finally have her!

TTC since 12/2009
Me: 32 Him: 38
Dx: Severe MFI (low count)
IVF #1 : BFN
IVF #2 : BFP
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