Pregnant after IF

AMH levels

Sorry to post here again but I am wondering if anyone has had success with a low AMH level. I found out today my level is 0.38 and I only just turned 30! They said my FSH was normal. I know that level is terrible and I'm so worried about our chances especially due to my IVF being cancelled for poor response.  Did anyone take supplements before or during treatment?


Any thoughts would be appreciated! 

Me:30 low AMH; DH:30 MFI (count, motility, morphology) 2 rounds clomid 100 mg -BFN IUI#1- 25 mg clomid- July 2012= BFN! IUI #2 August = BFN! IUI #3 September = BFN! IVF #1 November - converted to IUI #4 = BFN IVF #1.2 February 2013 clomid +gonal-f *trying to keep hope* Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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