
Demand > supply...trying not to freak out

I've been on the fence about posting about this for a couple weeks but over the past week I have had to use my freezer stash with no replenishing and I am just not keeping up with pumping enough at work. DS has been drinking between 17 to 20 oz!!! This is in addition to nursing 3 to 5 times at home. He is 10 months and a month ago he went thru a growth spurt but we got thru that ok. I did start drinking milkmaid tea, but now I am only pumping 15 oz at work max (I pump 3x a day). The only chance I have to pump enough is if DS only wakes once, then I can pump the other side in the am and get 3 oz easy. Lately though he's been waking twice so my pumping suffers. HELP! What is the next step? More solids....less solids?? He has never been crazy about solids but lately seems to want them more, but never more than two or three ounces of food at a time, three times a day. 

I hate to think I've got a supply issue but I was sick for a week, I am within 4 lbs of my pre-pg weight and I'm training for a half marathon so maybe that is all taking its toll on my supply. I've always tended towards the over supply  so this is new territory. Any advice is appreciated and if you took the time to read all this...thank you!

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