July 2012 Moms

4 month wakeful?

Rob has been going to sleep easily after his bottle at about 8:00 and sleeping for 10-12 hours for the last 3 weeks or so. Tonight he woke up about 4 times between 8 and 9. I'm terrified this is the start of the 4 month wakeful since we have been so spoiled. Anyone at 4-5 months and NOT going through regressing sleep  patterns?
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Together since 5/08 ~ Married 6/19/10 ~ TTC #1 since 8/10
BFP#1 3/26/11 ~ EDD 12/2/11 ~ Ectopic Twins left tube 7w3d
BFP#2 11/2/11 ~ EDD 7/14/12 ~ Robert Edgar born 7/18/12
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