July 2012 Moms


Yup me I'm a grump today. Every little thing is ticking me off. I hate days like this. My stubborn dog wouldn't listen to come in she was barking her head off outside. I had to chase her around the back yard to get her in. She stepped in poop and tracked it on my freshly mopped floors. which I finally found time to mop I washed our bedding and made the bed to realize it was still damp. Then DH says at 5:30 he's leaving work soon. Still not home at 7 I call him and he's still at work cause his jeep is acting up. which we got into a huge fight over this weekend because he wants to buy a paint job for the jeep 700 dollars. I told him absolutely not the thing barely runs. If we put any money into it it will be to fix the damn thing. Grr venting!!
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