
Weight Watchers and BFing

Hi Ladies,

  Just wondering what your thoughts are on losing weight while BFing?  My LO is almost 9 weeks and I've lost the 40lbs I gained while pregnant already.  I yoyo by a few pounds everyday, but for the most part, my pregnancy weight is gone.  I started at 235, went up to 275 and am now back down to 235-240.  I am only 5'6" and my ideal weight should be around 150... I would be happy to be back down to 165-170 like when I met MH.

  So, I obviously have a lot to lose!  I am EBFing and things are going well.  I want to continue to BF as long as possible, at least for 9-12mo.  What do you think about losing weight while BFing?  I have had success using Weight Watchers in the past and thought about doing it again.  What do you all think?  I just really don't want my milk supply to take a nosedive and I want to do it safely so I can keep BFing.  Any suggestions or ideas?  Thanks so much!! 

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