1st Trimester

Well we had a little scare today...

I was told by the OB triage nurse to go to the hospital this morning due to some bleeding/cramping. I went in and all that the ER doc kept telling me is that I was either having a miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy. They did blood work and sent me to u/s. I found out that I am 6 weeks and 3 days. I also got to hear my NON miscarried baby's heartbeat and it was amazing. The radiologist told me the bleeding was due to some hemorrhaging that happens sometimes during implantation and it is quite normal, just check at the first appointment. The E.R. doctor kept telling me that even though everything is perfect now there could always be a miscarriage. I wanted to shoot her, I understand this could happen but right now everything is OK. The baby's heart beat was also very strong considering how early the pregnancy was- so HA E.R. doctor. I swear all they do is prepare you for the worst and freak you out when you don't need to be. 
Lilypie Maternity tickers
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