
Baby squishing face into breast?

Recently (over the last week/few days), LO has started squishing his face into my breast and then pulling away during his feeding. This usually only happens on the 2nd breast (I feed him for 10-15 minutes on one side and then switch him). On the 2nd side, he'll eat for 5-6 minutes, and then start pushing his face in and then pulling it out. It's uncomfortable for me, as he tugs at my nipple. He also makes grunting noises while he's doing it, and sometimes loud swallowing sounds. Does this mean that the milk is coming out too fast? Or that it's coming out too slowly? or just that  he's playing with my breast because he's done eating? Could it be the beginning of a dairy intolerance (I don't think this is it because his poops are normal and he doesn't seem to be especially gassy/fussy the rest of the day).
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