Pregnant after IF

Update: Hospital Bed Rest :(

Last Thursday (25 weeks) I went in for my weekly cervical length check and the cervix measured at 2mm!!! I was also 1 cm dilated. I was told to go to the hospital immediately. I checked in at the hospital and started to have contractions that would not stop. They immediately gave me a steroid injection and decided to put me on Magnesium Sulfate for 48 hours. Mag is a tough one to deal with, but it seems like all the medication is working. Contractions have gotten much better but I will be in the hospital until I deliver. I am currently on Procardia and indocin, and those seem to be helping to keep the uterus under control. 

The good news is the baby boys look good and their hearts are strong. I am trying to stay positive and remind myself why I need to do this. I keep ultrasound photos of the boys by my bed and that is always the best reminder :)  This year has been the most challenging year of my life. From losing our first pg, going through IVF, being placed on home bed rest at 18 weeks, and now hospital bed rest at 25 weeks. I am so looking forward to bringing my baby boys home happy and healthy :) 

Hope you all are having a great Monday :) 


Married 09.9.11 (Me:31 and DH:31)
Left Tubal Ligation in 2004
1.2.12 BFP
1.16.12 LAP due to Ectopic @ 7w, Right Tubal Ligation
3.19.12 IVF #1 - Stims (Lupron + Gonal F + Luveris)
3.29 ER - 6 snowbabies (ET postponed due to OHSS)
FET 6/6 - transferred two 4AB snowbabies
Beta #1 6/16 = 683, Beta #2 6/18 = 1703, Beta #3 6/20 = 4073, u/s #1 @ 5wks = TWINS!!, 7w u/s two heartbeats <3<3 TWIN BOYS<br>


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