
It gets easier right?

I am struggling to keep going and just need some support.  Here's a little back ground.. 


From day one DS struggled to latch on correctly and I got badly cracked and bruised. He dropped more than 10% of his birth weight and struggled to get back up. Only gained 2 oz in three weeks. I have been meeting with a LC. I started pumping to supplement and get my supply up since he wasn't really simulating enough even though he would be on my breast for 6 hours straight.  We started supplementing with formula on Wednesday. He gained 8 ounces in 3 days!  I was doing finger feeding and now am using a SNS.  It's a hassle to use but am sticking with it b/c the LC doesn't want to introduce a bottle yet bc he just started to get the hang of latching and sucking correctly.  So I nurse for about an hour, he does get a few let downs),  then dash around while he flips out to try to put together the SNS with what little milk I have (.5 ounces at a time and the rest formula 1 ounce?)  then give them that which takes about another 30 minutes. He will sleep on me for a nap. I then try to pump for 15 - 20 minutes and then the endless cycle starts again.  

 I am having horrible formula guilt but don't know what else to do.  I am taking a supplement to help increase milk, eating oatmeal, hot showers, downing tons of water.  

 Does this get better?!   I have to go back to work in 5 weeks and I am scared I will be in this loop of never getting off the formula.  

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