Pregnant after IF

Have any of you done a 2 day transfer with a fresh IVF?

Hi ladies I need your support! I am looking for anyone out there that may have done a 2 day transfer with your fresh IVF?  Did you have success?   How many embies were transferred and what were their cell counts/grades?  I am bummed out, we did our 2nd fresh IVF last week - the cycle went great and lots of follicles were showing however only 5 eggs were retrieved, 4 were mature and 2 fertilized - they recommended since we did not have a lot to work with this time that we transfer on day 2 as they would be better being inside me - one was a 2 cell grade 1 and the other was a 2 cell grade 2.  I go in for my blood test next week and my nerves are a wreck!  Our first fresh cycle in July yielded 15 eggs, 12 mature and 9 fertilized - we transferred two 8 cells grade 1 & 2 on day 3 = BFN.  We had 3 leftover frozen we did a FET in August with - 2 were a 6 cell grade 1 the other a 5 cell grade 2 = BFN.  This is so frustrating as I am 32 and had every test under the sun done and am fine, we are dealing with severe MFI - my hubby is 41 with low sperm count.  We have a fresh and 2 FETs left in our shared risk package however are maxed out financially as the meds are not covered by our insurance...just hoping to find some of you with 2 day transfer stories - please and thanks!
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