1st Trimester

Im back...after 3 1/2 yrs!!

Hi ladies!! I am happy, nervous and anxious that I just took my 3rd pregnancy test and they are all positive! I was on these boards in 2008 and 2009 while pregnant with my daughter Cadance and then was over on the knot this summer, I got married on August 17th...I look forward to reading all the topics again, even though Im not a new Mom with a ton of questions like the last time, I will be on here everyday LOL! I had a pretty hard pregnancy with Cadance as her "bio" dad made my pregnancy a living hell and we split when she was 2 months old, he never sees her or pays child support but my husband came back into my life (we were high school sweethearts) when Cadance was 9 months old and I know this pregnancy will be different..he wants to go to doctors appts. with me already and is spoiling me which is nice for a change!
Cheryl (25) Andy (24) Newlyweds as of 8-17-12 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker pregnancy week by week
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