
A few BF questions

I'm currently reading The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding and I REALLY enjoy it and am learning a lot. I'm not very far into it, but I had a few questions that you might be able to answer for me.

What's the best way to prep your body for breastfeeding?

I know it's best to wear bras w/o underwire in them; should I start that during 3rd tri or after LO comes?

For moms who work FT and BF, how do you handle it so that your baby doesn't become dependent upon the bottle instead of you?

Sorry, some may be obvious and some might be discussed later in the book. I was just wondering... I'm trying to go to LLL meetings so I can get a good BF community, but the one evening they're held each month isn't a good night for me (I work and go to school FT and I have classes that night)... Also, I'm signed up for a BF'ing class next month and there isn't a lot of information about it. Would it be weird to bring DH? I want him to become more comfortable with the process (he's not opposed to it at all, but none of the women in his family have breastfed) and know how to be supportive. He's an amazing guy who is uber helpful and I know he'll want to help as much as possible when it comes to BF'ing, I just don't know how to explain to him how he could help since it's something we'll both be new to. Any suggestions?

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