Pregnant after IF


I'm trying not to worry, really I am, but I am a little nervous. I was in NYC yesterday and walked A LOT, so I think I just over did it. I drank a lot of water yesterday and the baby was very busy kicking and poking me all day.  TMI alert.... the last few days I have been a little constipated and after I had a BM last night and that is when the spotting started. It was definitely vaginal spotting. I also had some tightening in my lower belly last night which was a first.

Another weird thing yesterday, we ate lunch at Applebees in Times Square and two of us in the group have birthday's this week. Our waitress was like, 'ok, great, you each get a scoop of ice cream'. So after our meal, the waitstaff snuck aroind us and YELLED! Scared the crap out of us and anyone sitting around us. It was insane! I don't know if it has to do with anything, but I'm sure it didn't help! Grrrr.

I called the OB's office and spoke to a nurse this morning and they are having me come in this afternoon to check things out.  Is there anything you ladies think of that I should ask? I'd like a vag u/s to check my cervix at this point, but that's all I can think of. I can feel the baby as I type, so I think that's keeping me from panicking. Any T&P's would be appreciated. I'll update later! Until, then, I'm on the couch!

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