
He's an enigma (feeding schedule)

Everytime I think I understand DS feeding schedule he changes it. 

Couple of questions.

Most of the time DS eats every 3 hours, 4 oz at a time, during the day.  He goes to bed around 10, and is up at 2.  That extra hour between feedings makes me a bit engorged and he has trouble latching on.  So he unlatches and I spray milk everywhere (very annoying and a waste).  So a few weeks back I started pumping for that feeding so he could eat in peace without getting upset and I wouldn't have to clean him and myself off afterwards.  Every couple of days he sleeps from 10 to 4, I'm so full there is no way he could latch on and when I pump I get anywhere from 7 to 9 oz.

I return to work next Monday, so I started a week ago to pump and give him a bottle for the feedings he'll be getting at the daycare.  He takes longer to eat from the bottle then he does from me, and seems more satisfied after the bottle then after he's done nursing.  I imagine its because of how fast he nurses vs how slow he eats from the bottle.

So my questions.  Other then when he's going through a growth spurt, why does he have such different feeding times?  Most of the time his day feedings are like clock work, but every night is different, can never predict what he's going to do.  When he goes more then 3 hours between feedings should he be getting more then 4 oz like he'd normally get to make up for the missed feeding (like 6 to 8 oz at one feeding)?  I know his stomach is still tiny and I don't want to over-stuff him. Why or how is he eating faster from me then his bottle?  Is there a way to slow him down when he's nursing?

Thanks ladies.

Gus Gus
Born: August 27th, 2012
8lbs. 15oz. 20" @ 7:07pm
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