1st Trimester

Intro-BFP yesterday!

Hi ladies,

 I'd like to properly introduce myself after posting yesterday with my "is this a line" question. First I'd like to thank you all for your warm welcome and all of the congrats. I'm still in shock that it actually happened.

About me: I'm Christine, I'm 28, H is 33 and we've been TTC for just about 2 cycles now. We got married this past May (exactly 6 months ago today!) and I got off of my BC in September. When I showed H the BFP, it was really hard to read his reaction..I'm pretty sure he was shocked (not in a bad way) but literally 10 minutes later, he asked me "so what does that test mean?" lol I said it means I'm pregnant!

I feel like I'm more nervous now that I got the + test since I know that there are lots of things that can go wrong, but I'm trying to be calm and take care of myself.

Q's for you all:

-How soon should I try and schedule a doc's appointment? (I'm probably only 3 weeks along as of now)

-I want to tell my Mom really bad, but I'm going to wait until after I see a doctor...when did you all tell people? or have you not told anyone besides your SO?

-How many tests did you take before you actually believed this was real?

And here's some pics of the test I took this morning...I think there's a slightly darker second line and it took less than the 3 minutes to show up:



Missing Our July Sparkler
BFP-11/12/12, MMC 1/16/13-baby stopped growing @ 9wks, found out at 13wks, D&E 1/25/13 Anniversary]
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