Pregnant after IF

I wish I could just relax!

I thought once I became pregnant I would glow! Be on top of the world and over joyed! Yes, I'm very excited, but I am just so nervous and scared every second. I always analyze my tp after a bathroom break to make sure I'm not bleeding/spotting. I worry about every little twinge or cramp I get in my ute area. I just hate all this worrying. Just now, I had a small breakdown. I saw a little spotting on my tp and just freaked. I wiped again and there was a little more spotting. I basically wiped until I didn't see anymore. I'm almost positive it's from the progesterone suppository that I put in 5-6hrs before because I did scratch myself while putting it up there. But it's still just scary. My DH knew I was upset too. As soon as I came out of the bathroom he asked what was wrong but I lied and said nothing. then we decided to head for bed. That's when I just started crying. DH told me I need to stop worrying so much and everything will be okay. I wish I was as confident as he is! Was there any point of your pregnancy that you started to feel less paranoid? I just hope these next 7 months fly by without any issues! Thanks for listening to me rant! I really don't know what'd I do without you ladies! 
Age 27:Fragile X Carrier-causing infertility
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