Pregnant after IF

Birth Story (kinda long & dramatic)

Ok, so first I want to thank all of you ladies for your support the oast 9 months...I couldn't have done it without you.  There really is only 1 version of this story and it long no matter what so here goes.

Because I developed Cholestasis, it was decided that I would deliver via c-section at week 36.  That was this past Thursday.  I arrived to hospital at 6:00 am, as scheduled.  Everything was going well and I was prepped for surgery...I received the spinal tapped and the surgery began.  MAN was it uncomfortable!!!  Well...they pulled out Baby A (Madison Sophia) and I heard her cry for the 1st time, what a beautiful sound.  The came Baby B (Maya Rose)...same thing.  I got to see Madison and, because of her weight-which we expected, Maya was taken to the NICU.  I gave them each a kiss and they went their own way with Hubby following close behind (as specifically instructed). 

The doctors then proceeded to deliver my placentas...Madison's placenta came out with no problem but Maya's placenta was a completely different story.  The Dr gave it a tug and that's when I began to lose a LOT of blood.  The Dr tried several way to get it lose and nothing worked.  I began to feel ill, my BP had dropped dramatically and I was beginning to slip out of conciousness.  I could here the commotion and requests for 8 bags of blood was made.  I began to gag and throwing thing I remember, the entire medical team was standing over me and I was told that I would begin receiving oxygen via a mask. In that moment, I asked God to forgive me for all the wrong I had done, thanked him for those 2 miracles and my husband and told him that whatever was his will...I could only ask him to watch over them.  I took 3 deep breaths and that was it!

Next thing...I'm waking up and the Dr's are explaining that I am extremely lucky to still be alive.  Maya's placenta had begun to fuse to the uterine muscles and I began lost a lot of blood when the tried to pull it away from the uterus.  An emergency hysterectomy was performed and I received 6 transfusions :o  BUT my girls are PERFECT!  

Maya is in the NICU and will be there for a few more days just gaining weight and regulating her temperature.  Madison and going home with me in the morning.  Every Dr that came to check on me started with an apology and  have never cared about my uterus less...what a wonderful feeling and be done caring about fertility issues.

I will post some pics soon...I'm using my mom's Ipad and don't know how to post pics. 

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