Pregnant after IF

Fell down...

Hi All,

Though I've managed to hold it together and not freak out so far, I could seriously use a pep talk.  Early yesterday morning (5 A.M.) I woke up to pee, and in my groggy state, I cut the corner around a piece of furniture a little too close and tripped.  I pitched forward and fell, but managed to roll over so my left hip took the brunt of my fall.  I also ended up getting a couple of bruises and scratches on other areas of my body, but my stomach looks unscathed.  So I'm guessing that I didn't hit it that hard (if at all ) against the ground.

I've had some mild cramping off and on since, but no bleeding/spotting.  My dr, has made arrangements for me to see her tomorrow, but in the meantime my brain can't help running through the "what ifs" and a terrible sense of guilt.  Anyone take a spill like mine and come out just fine?  I'd love to hear from you!  Thanks!



Married June 2007, TTC since May 2010. Me=40, age-related infertility, DOR, low prog, low AMH. DH=37,low morph.
IUI#1 (Dec. 2011)=BFN, IUI#2=unexpected early O=TI=BFN. Official IUI#2=BFN.
Stims for IVF#1 started 7/6/12. ER done 7/15/12. ICSI and AH. Transferred 2 embies 7/17/12. Stick little ones, stick! Beta 7/30/12=BFN HcG less than 2.
Surprise BFP while deciding next steps! EDD: 5/10/13
BabyFruit Ticker
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