July 2012 Moms

Separation Anxiety

As a SAHM, I have been away from S probably a total of 5 or 6 times since she was born.  And only 1 time has she been away from both MH and myself.  She often times cries when someone other than myself holds her.  It's 50/50 with MH.  The moment I take her back, she stops crying.  MH's company X-mas party is Dec. 1st.  My parents are coming over to babysit.  I am most comfortable with them watching her, but I am freeeeeaking out a little bit about this night!  We will be gone from probably 6-midnight.  The evening tends to be her fussiest time of day.  I told my parents that the name of the game for that night is "do whatever you have to do to keep her happy".  I am trying to get her into other peoples arms more now, in an effort to get her used to it, but if she starts crying I always take her back.  I really do not have it in me to ever let her cry, ever!  I want her to associate being held by others with being happy and playful.  My parents came over today and I made a point of it to let them be alone with her while I made breakfast, going in and out of her sight.  She did pretty well and we had a fun day.  On the day of the party, my parents will come over earlier in the day so that she can get used to them being around that day.  I know that lots of parents have their kids in daycare, and are away from them regularly, but since this will really be the first time being away for any significant amount of time, I am having some pre-separation, separation anxiety.  Am I being ridiculous?  I want to enjoy myself at the party and do look forward to MH and I having a night out together, but am having a hard time.  Does anyone have any advice or words of wisdom to give me that may help settle my nerves?  I could really use some!  Also, If I AM being ridiculous, feel free to say so, lol.  TIA
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