
Is this block feeding?...

LO is 12 days old and we have been EBF since day one. So far so good except some cracking on one side that is pretty painful.

When I took her to her first appointment she was back up to her birth weight and my milk hadn't even come in yet, so I've been waking her up every 23 hours during the day to eat, that is if she doesn't wake up on her own first and been letting her sleep what she wants at night. Which so far hasn't been more than 4 hrs at a time.

My question is am I block feeding and not even knowing it? I usually feed her on one side only because I let her eat until she pulls away/ falls asleep, etc.. I burp her and offer the other side but she is usually full. So the next time she eats I feed her on the other side and so this decreasing my supply and something I shouldn't be doing?

Edit: every 2 to 3 hours not 23, yikes!
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