July 2012 Moms

i wanna just cry

Sorry I have been such a Debbie downer lately. My hubbie and I are getting really depressed, going to bed at 8 or. 9 pm and fighting a lot more.

I seriously wanted to run out of here a few times yesterday. in laws didn't agree to our plan, they are just moving some stuff to the attic so we can get our bed and another crib in. Our bedroom will have to be the computer room where everyone goes. And the babies room will have a jukebox, barbers chair and some other huge thing. And the room is SMALL.

his in laws refuse to feed on schedule. They are constantly walking my babies when they cry, so now they want to be walked all the time. they use to fall asleep in their swings for hours. Now they just take 20 minute naps and start crying again .

MIL hates all the clutter. she doesn't want me to bring any of the new toys because she wants to use her hand me down toys . She wants to put the new exersaucer we just put together in the attic.

I have tried informally stating my preferences but she doesn't really listen. Normally she is a very nice MIL. I am getting really sad over here.

And insurance said it will be over a month before we get s check.
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