July 2012 Moms

I'm not listening

Ok so I'm still feeling a little flummoxed and upset from LO's appointment yesterday. But I've "spoken" to you ladies, and had a chat to my mum, an old school friend [who doesn't have kids, but knows me well], and DH after he did some research ... And I've decided I'm not going to worry [yet] about what the nurse said.

LO can have as many feeds as he needs, and while I would love him to take longer naps it'll happen when it happens. He almost always naps in his cot even if I have to cuddle him most of the way to sleep first.

There isn't really much point to this post. I guess I just need to "verbalise" my thoughts, especially as it is rare for me not to do as instructed by another medical professional.

EDIT: part of the reason I don't feel bad ignoring her advice, is she told me if I wanted to encourage LO to sttn I should start swaddling him again. I pointed out that he was rolling and she told me it didn't matter, because if he was strong enough to roll he was strong enough to lift his head out of the way should he end up on his tummy.
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