July 2012 Moms

DH vent

Is there anyone planning on another child? Or do you already have 2? If so, how do you do everything? How things have been going on in my life right now, I don't think I want another child. My husband doesn't really help with anything. He always he is in pain and too tired. Which I know he is, he works in construction, but what pisses me off is on the weekend he goes fishing even after a week of repeatedly asking for help on the weekend
But his he wants it is, he gets his day to fish and then the next day he relaxes until our son cries, which to DH he is hungry. My DH maybe spends an hour a day total with our son after work. He rather play video games. I think since our son has been born he has spent more time fishing than helping me out. I have talked to him about my feelings and SIL, who then talked to him to help me, but my husband's defends "she is the woman, she needs to learn to do everything with a baby. I'm tired and hurting." I try so hard to talk to him, but it is like talking to a teenager. I just want a little more help.
I know some might suggest family or friends, ask them. My dilemma with that is people work 12 hour shifts, live an hour away, cannot drive, or have medical problems. I know it is possible to do it by myself, it seems right now my son is real clingy so I can only do a few things. Hell, I can barely get on the bump anymore.
All this makes me not want another child, because if I am struggling now with a selfish husband it will be worse then.
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