July 2012 Moms

Need help to stop!! (BF related)

After much thought I have decided to stop breastfeeding. My milk supply has taken a MAJOR hit since I started back to work. I currently pump three times a day and I bring home 5oz. I have tried Funegreek, Mother?s Milk tea, power pumping, and changing my membranes on my pump and nothing has worked.

 Even when I try to nurse my DD she is not swallowing anything and is screaming because she is hungry. We have been supplementing with formula so I gave her a bottle she sucked down 5oz like it was nothing then went to sleep and STTN.

I am so sad over not being able to breastfeed her longer (my original goal was 6 months). But, she is obviously much happier with formula because she is not hungry. So why is so hard for me to stop?

I guess my question is how should I go about quitting? Should I wean her or just stop all together? My freezer stash is completely gone now. I am worried if I just stop that her digestive system might be messed up because she has never had all formula?

Also how long did it take for your milk to dry up and what can you do to make is dry up faster?

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