July 2012 Moms


Is your life the title of a TV sitcom? Mine is! UP ALL NIGHT! The newborn stage was easier than the teething stage, and we've only just begun, and I didn't have to work full-time then either! Good thing she is so dang cute! ;) DD got her first tooth last week (I posted a photo) and we have been UP ALL NIGHT this week, I'm beyond exhausted. I've heard the teething tablets are lifesavers! DH almost got them at 2am last night, but we will get them today for sure!! Poor thing :( For real though, DH and I were so tired we just started screaming at each other at 2am (we are also beyond stressed with so much right now). Ugh, this lack of sleep is NOT easy.
On a lighter note: She has been reaching for my food when she sees me eat it... I think we may be trying solids sometime in the near future. I wanted to wait closer to 6 months but I'm thinking 5 months now. I'm excited!!! But she is growing up so fast!  
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