Indiana Babies

Intro and Plea for advice

Hello!  I am new to thebump, and I am about to be new to Indiana.  

My husband and I are excited to be expecting our first child in April!  To add to that, we just found out that my husband's company is moving him to Indianapolis. We need to be moved in 5-6 weeks, and I would really appreciate any advice y'all could give us.  Here are the major questions that keep running through my mind:

-Where should we live?  We were told that we need to be north, but I am completely unfamiliar with the communities and suburbs in the area.  We currently own our home, but we would like to rent for a while to ease the stress of the move.

-Who will be my new doctor?  Can anyone recommend their ob/midwife?

-Who will be my child's doctor?  Do y'all have any recommendations for pediatricians/family practitioners?

We are full of nerves and excitement, and any information you could send our way would be really helpful.  I so look forward to joining your community.  Thank you in advance!


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